I was gladly surprised to receive the Stylish Blogger Award the other day. This is sort of an online "game" played by the bloggers of the world. What a nice way to spread the love!

To accept this award, I must do the following tasks:
Step 1 Link back to the person who nominated you.
Thanks goes to Vanessa from
Kirschbits ! She is a Graphic Designer and also fellow Etsian. Her
shop on Etsy is full of colorful and wonderfully textured bags.
Step 2 Share 7 random facts about myself
1) I have never kept a diary. No, wait... a gardening diary yes, but not the traditional one, where you should write about you and your life.
2) I hate winter. I really do.
3) As a child, I collected stationery sets. I had quite a nice collection. Then I forgot about it when I went to high school and they got lost when we were moving, I guess. I was so sad about it.
4) I'm afraid of bees
5) I'm terrible at baking. If I try to bake something, the kitchen ends up looking like something exploded and I rarely dare to serve my bakings to guests. I inherited my bad baking skills from my father (he was a cook! hehe).
6) My feet are funny and I'm a little embarrassed to use flip flops in the summer. Though I would love to!
7) I love to search and give birthday presents and little gifts for my loved ones (... and I just love to receive them too, lol)
Step 3 Nominate 15 other blogs to receive it. Well, it's hard to do 15, but here are 6 blogs that I think are a great read (sorry, few of them only in Finnish... beautiful pictures tho!).
parolan asema3
Sew Sweet Stiches5
Diagnoosi sisustusmania